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🍱 Recipes

If you're already building something with Tracetest, explore these Recipes. They're short, self-contained, and runnable solutions to popular use cases.

Tools & Integrations

These guides show integrations with other tools and vendors.

Streams and Message Queues

These recipes show how to trigger Tracetest test runs with message queues like Kafka.

Serverless Functions (FaaS)

These recipes show how to run tests against Serverless Functions with Tracetest.

API Gateways

These recipes show how to run tests against services behind API Gateways with Tracetest.


Performance Testing

These recipes show how to run performance tests with distributed traces.

Artillery + Playwright + Tracetest

Tracing Backends

These recipes show integrations with tracing backends and vendors/providers.

OpenTelemetry Collector

This integration point uses the OpenTelemetry Collector as a router to send trace data to Tracetest.

OpenTelemetry Collector + Tracing Vendors

This integration point uses the OpenTelemetry Collector as a router to send trace data to both Tracetest and tracing vendors/providers.


Azure App Insights



Grafana Tempo


Sumo Logic

CI/CD Automation

These guides show integrations with CI/CD tools.

Stay tuned! More recipes are coming soon. 🚀