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Importing Tests from a Tracetest Definition

👉 Join our shared Pokeshop API Demo environment and try importing a Test yourself!

Main Screen

Click the Import button:

Import a Test Button

The "Import a Test" dialog appears:

Import a Test

The option to choose the import method is presented:

  • Definition - Use a Tracetest Definition file as a starting point.
  • Postman - Define your HTTP request via a Postman collection.
  • CURL Command - Define your HTTP test via a cURL command.

Choose Definition to display the import options:

Choose Import Method

Input a valid Tracetest Definition using JSON or YAML:

Paste Definition

YAML Definition used for this example:

type: Test
id: py5M-hHIR
name: Pokeshop - Import
type: http
method: POST
url: http://demo-pokeshop/pokemon/import
body: "{\"id\":52}"
- key: Content-Type
value: application/json

Click Import:

After Import Definition

From the Create Test Page add any additional information and click Run:

Create Test

The test will start:

Awaiting Trace

When the test is finished, you will get the following results:

Finished Trace

Please visit the Test Results document for an explanation of viewing the results of a test.

👉 Join our shared Pokeshop API Demo environment and try importing a Test yourself!