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Creating Test Outputs

A Test Output allows you to define a variable based on the information contained in a particular span's attributes. This variable can be referenced in the same test or in later tests in a Test Suite. If test outputs have already been added to a test, they will be on the Test screen under the Test Outputs tab:

Test Output List

After you have created a test and your test run is complete, click the Add Test Output button at the right of the Test screen.

Add Test Output

The Add Test Output screen opens.

Add Test Output screen

To add a test output start by selecting one span using our Selectors. The selected span is highlighted in the graph view on the left:

Select Span

Then choose one attribute from the selected span or use an Expression:

Select Attribute or Expression

Finally, give your test output a name and click Save Test Output:

Add Name and Save Test Output

Don't forget to publish your changes by clicking the Publish button in the top right corner:

Publish changes