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Enforce required attributes by span type.

Rule Details​

All instrumentations must populate the required attributes by span type based on the semantic conventions.

The following OTel semantic conventions for span required attributes are defined:

HTTP spans:​

- http.method

If span kind is "server", the required attributes include:

- http.scheme

If span kind is "client", the required attributes include:

- http.url

Database spans:​

- db.system

RPC spans:​

- rpc.system

Messaging spans:​

- messaging.system
- messaging.operation

FaaS spans:​

If span kind is "server", the required attributes include:

- faas.trigger

If span kind is "client", the required attributes include:

- faas.invoked_name
- faas.invoked_provider


This rule has the following options:

  • "error" requires span attributes to follow the OTel semantic convention
  • "disabled" disables the span required attributes verification
  • "warning" verifies required attributes to follow the OTel semantic convention but does not impact the analyzer score

When Not To Use It​

If you don’t want to enforce OTel span required attributes, don’t enable this rule.