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Trace Analyzer Settings

The Trace Analyzer is provided in the Tracetest application to aid in the analysis of traces and easily pinpoint issues to speed up resolution. Every time you run a test the trace will be analyzed and provide a score.

View the Trace Analyzer Results​

The Trace Analyzer results help teams improve their instrumentation data, find potential problems and provide tips to fix the problems.

Analyzer Results

Click the arrow next to any category to see suggestions for trace improvements:

Analyzer Results Expanded

Disable Trace Analyzer​

In the Tracetest UI, go to Settings and the Analyzer tab:

Analyzer Settings

Toggle Enable Analyzer for All Tests off to disable the Analyzer.

Here, you can also set the thresholds for Otel Semantic Conventions, Common Problems and Security analyzer settings.

Analyzer Settings 2

Trace Analyzer in the CLI​

You can use Trace Analyzer in the CLI to analyze per individual test.