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Install with Helm

This guide explains how to install a Tracetest Agent in your Kubernetes environment with Helm. It will install a Tracetest Agent in your infrastructure and use the Cloud-based managed Tracetest Control Plane and Dashboard.


  • A running Kubernetes cluster.
  • A Tracetest license key. If you don't have one, you can request a trial license key here.
  • Install kubectl.
  • Install Helm.

Install Tracetest Agent with Helm​

The main chart for this repository is called tracetest-agent and contains all components necessary to run Tracetest Agent in a cluster that fits the deployment architecture.

helm repo add tracetestcloud --force-update  && \

helm install <release-name> -n <namespace> tracetestcloud/tracetest-agent \
--set agent.apiKey=<TRACETEST_API_KEY> --set agent.environmentId=<TRACETEST_ENVIRONMENT_ID>

If you use agent as the <release-name> with this installation, the trace ingestion endpoints will be:

gRPC: http://agent-tracetest-agent:4317

HTTP: http://agent-tracetest-agent:4318/v1/traces


Configure the Helm installation with the values.yaml file. View the values.yaml default values, here.

Click to expand the values.yaml default values.
apiKey: "apiKey"
environmentId: "environment-id"
serverURL: ""
skipVerify: false