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Install with CLI

This guide explains how to configure Cloud-based managed Tracetest with the Tracetest CLI and install a Tracetest Agent in your local development environment. This deployment uses the Cloud-based managed Tracetest Control Plane and Dashboard.


Install the Tracetest CLI​

brew install kubeshop/tracetest/tracetest

Configure the CLI to access your Cloud-based managed Tracetest account.

tracetest configure -t <TRACETEST_API_KEY> --environment <TRACETEST_ENVIRONMENT_ID>

Install the Tracetest Agent Locally​

Tracetest Agent runs as a standalone process.

tracetest start --api-key <TRACETEST_API_KEY> --environment <TRACETEST_ENVIRONMENT_ID>
Expected Output
Tracetest start launches a lightweight agent. It enables you to run tests and collect traces with Tracetest.
Once started, Tracetest Agent exposes OTLP ports 4317 and 4318 to ingest traces via gRCP and HTTP.

INFO Running in desktop mode...
INFO Starting Agent with name...
Agent is started! Leave the terminal open so tests can be run and traces gathered from this environment.
You can:
> Open Tracetest in a browser to this environment
(Experimental) Open Dashboard
Stop this agent

Tracetest Agent runs tests and ingests traces. It exposes OTLP ports 4317 (gRPC) and 4318 (HTTP) for trace ingestion. In this example you can trigger tests against apps running in your local environment on localhost and export traces from your local apps to localhost as well.

To ingest traces in this example with Tracetest Agent use these URLs:

  • gRPC: http://localhost:4317
  • HTTP: http://localhost:4318/v1/traces