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Docker Deployment

This guide walks you through using the Tracetest CLI to deploy Tracetest Core with Docker.


This is an example of a production-ready deployment, but real-world deployments can vary significantly depending on desired performance and scale.

Tracetest Core runs in parallel with your Dockerized application, allowing you to interact with your app and its traces, including create and run tests against them.

After installing the CLI, run:

tracetest server install
Expected output
How do you want to run TraceTest? [type to search]:
> Using Docker Compose
Using Kubernetes

Select Using Docker Compose and follow the instructions.

Tools required (installed if missing):

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose



How to start:

In the folder where you ran tracetest server install, run this command to start the Tracetest cluster:

docker compose -f tracetest/docker-compose.yaml up -d
Condensed expected output from the Tracetest container:
Starting tracetest ...
2022/11/28 18:24:09 HTTP Server started

Then launch a browser to http://localhost:11633/.

For more configuration options, visit the configuration docs.